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Cook County 2023 First Installment Tax Bills are Scheduled to be Due on March 1, 2023

The 2023 first installment bills have issued and will be due on Friday, March 1, 2024.  If you have not received your first installment 2023 tax bill, you can go on the Cook County Treasurer’s website – www.cookcountytreasurer.com, click on Payment Details (purple box) and type in your Permanent Index Number and click “First Installment […]

Illinois Supreme Court Upholds Law Allowing Consolidation of Police and Firefighter Pension Funds

Last Friday, in the case Arlington Heights Police Pension Fund v. Pritzker (2024 IL 129471), the Illinois Supreme Court upheld a 2019 statutory law which consolidated 649 individual pension funds into just two.  It was a unanimous decision by the Court allowing consolidation into two pension funds so as to more easily and at less […]

Thompson Center Assessed Much Higher than Recent Purchase Price

The Thompson Center was sold in the summer of 2022 for $105 million.  Since the subject property was owned by the State of Illinois prior to this sale, it was a property tax “exempt” entity, not subject to real estate taxation for tax years preceding the sale.  Once the property sold to a “non-exempt” joint […]

Passage of Senate Bill #1988 Requires the Assessor To Accept Tax Appeals For At Least 30 Buisness Days From Issuance of Assessment Notices

On December 8, 2023, Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law Senate Bill 1988 which became law as Public Act 103-0583.  The legislation, which is taxpayer friendly, makes it mandatory for the County Assessor to accept tax appeals from Taxpayers for a period of not less than 30 business days from the later of: 1) the […]

Cook County Property Taxes in the Northern Townships Increased by 15.7%

2022 second installment tax bills were received in the mailboxes of Cook County property owners on November 1, 2023.  The second installment 2022 real estate taxes are due on December 1, 2023.  The north and northwest suburbs were reassessed in 2022 by Cook County Assessor Fritz Kaegi and the reassessment resulted in a $331 million […]

Reminder for Cook County 2022 Second Installment Tax Bills being due on December 1, 2023

The second installment 2022 real estate tax bills are now available online.  Cook County property owners can access their second installment 2022 tax bills by going on www.cookcountytreasurer.com, selecting the blue box labeled “Pay Online for Free” and entering the Property Index Number (PIN) or the address. The Cook County Treasurer’s Office is planning to […]

2022 Cook County Final Multiplier or Equalization Factor Set

The Illinois Department of Revenue announced a final 2022 Cook County Equalization Factor of 2.9237 on September 5, 2023.  This final 2022 Cook County Equalization Factor is 7.37% higher than the tentative 2022 Cook County Equalization Factor of 2.7230.  Every year, the Illinois Department of Revenue is legally required to calculate the equalization factor to […]

Cook County 2022 Second Installment Tax Bills are Scheduled to be Due on December 1, 2023

Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has recently issued a statement that the second installment 2022 real estate tax bills will issue late again this year.  Board President Preckwinkle has stated that the second installment 2022 tax bills are expected to be released online and by mail by early November with a due date of […]

Strict Construction of Property Tax Exemptions in Illinois Law

On May, 30, 2023, the Cook County Circuit Court, Law Division affirmed the Illinois Department of Revenue’s holding that the Woman’s Library Club of Glencoe is not entitled to a property tax exemption under 35 ILCS 200/15-65(b). In 2014, North Shore Exchange operated a donation and consignment retail shop for the purposes of donating 100% […]

Legislative Activists are Seeking to Abolish Cook County Taxpayers from Filing Property Tax Appeals at the Property Tax Appeal Board

The Illinois Property Tax Code provides three levels of assessment review to challenge taxpayers’ assessed fair market values and excessive real estate taxes.  A taxpayer can appeal to the Cook County Assessor’s Office (the first level of appeal), the Cook County Board of Review (the second level of appeal) and can choose a third and […]