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Estimated Refund of $19.5 Million in Paid Property Taxes to Cook County Homeowners by October 15th

Approximately 53,000 homeowners who paid property taxes via cash or check will be getting rebate checks in the mail due to increases in the homeowner’s exemption and senior citizen’s homestead exemption amounts by the end of August.  Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas announced that the refunds result from the increase of the homestead exemption from […]

2017 Cook County Tax Rates and 2017 Second Installment Tax Bills Issue

by Steven Kandelman The Cook County Clerk’s office has recently issued the 2017 property tax rates.  These rates will be factored into creating the 2017 second installment tax bills which will issue on time and will be due on August 1, 2018. The total of all property taxes billed for Cook County taxing districts in […]

Due Diligence When Hiring Property Tax Counsel

By Glenn Guttman Many people have the perception that property tax appeals are a simple, straight-forward, easy, “run of the mill” type of work that may not need the expertise, advocacy or preparation of a licensed attorney. In fact, with the sheer number of postcards and letters that are showing up in mailboxes throughout the […]

The 2017 Cook County Equalization Factor has recently issued

By Steven Kandelman On May 24, 2018, The Illinois Department of Revenue issued the final 2017 Cook County Equalization Factor which is 2.9627.  This factor is a 5.69% increase from the 2016 equalization factor of 2.8032 which was a 5.05% increase from the 2015 equalization factor of 2.6685. The equalization factor or multiplier is used […]

City of Chicago Triennial Reassessment Has Begun

by Steven Kandelman The 2018 triennial reassessments for properties located in Chicago have started to issue. The Assessor’s 2018 assessment notices for properties located in Rogers Park Township were mailed on April 23, 2018 with complaints due by May 23, 2018.  The 2018 assessment notices for properties in Lake View Township were mailed on May […]

See How Your Property Tax Bill Is Calculated and Where It’s Distributed

For information regarding this topic, please use the link below. https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/ILLAKE/bulletins/1e8a22d    

State of Illinois has the most taxing districts in the nation

By Steven Kandelman Illinois lost about 33,700 residents from July 1, 2016 to July 1, 2017 according to the U.S. Census Bureau, and now has fewer residents than Pennsylvania.  Our state is now the sixth most populous state in the U.S.  This is the fourth consecutive year that Illinois’ population has decreased. This decline has […]

Cook County Court Clerk Requests Delay of E-Filing

by Michael Reynolds The Clerk of the Circuit Court of Cook County, Dorothy Brown, has issued a request to the Illinois Supreme Court that she be permitted to delay for one year the requirement that most documents being filed in civil cases in the Circuit Court be filed electronically.  As recently as November of 2017, […]

Increases to the Homeowner’s, Senior’s and Senior Freeze Exemptions which will take effect for the second installment 2017 tax bill

by Steven Kandelman The Illinois legislature signed Public Act 100-0401 into law on August 25, 2017 which will increase the value of the General Homestead Exemption, Senior Citizens Homestead Exemption and will raise the limitation for the Senior Citizens Assessment Freeze Exemption for all counties in Illinois.  For all homeowners who have their principal residence […]

Illinois House Passes School Funding Overhaul

by Steven Kandelman On Monday, August 28, 2017, the Illinois House passed an education funding plan which will increase state money for all districts and attempt to reduce the differences in educational funding in richer and poorer districts.  The Illinois House passed the legislation 73-34 and Governor Rauner signed the bill.  This funding bill will […]